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Mother and Daughter
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Full Story


Baby Bumps was founded with the reality that the journey into motherhood (parenthood) is not always a smooth process. Many of us experience bumps along the way. Some of these “bumps” may include an unplanned pregnancy, fertility issues, miscarriage, fetal diagnosis, child loss, birth trauma, postpartum depression and/or anxiety, breastfeeding problems, single parenting, relationship issues, intrusive thoughts, or simply adjusting to parenthood and finding a new normal.  These are difficulties that we just don’t expect to face as we plan to have a family.

Unfortunately, we don’t tend to talk about these issues. Many of us feel it is too private and personal to share, some sense that since others are not talking about it perhaps it’s not appropriate, other’s who aren’t going through such issues can be uncomfortable and respond insensitively, and for those with postpartum depression and anxiety, we feel that we’re not supposed to feel this way and what would people think if they knew?

Welcoming a new life into your home can also bring difficult questions around identity.  What does being a parent mean for me?  Am I losing parts of who I once was?  How do I incorporate these new pieces of myself into a renewed sense of self?  How might I navigate being a great parent as I continue with my career?  How do I maintain self-care without the "mom guilt" that often prevails?

Baby Bumps realizes the importance of having a safe, supportive and authentic place to talk and process through some of these difficulties. It’s freeing to know that you are not the only one. It’s healing to express your feelings in a place where you are accepted and your journey normalized. It’s calming to know that you can get through this.

Starting a family is also a time when relationships are challenged and couples are required to adapt to a new level of normal.  Often partners feel displaced by the new baby or the relationship is challenged as each parent adapts to their new roles.  Baby Bumps helps couples navigate these challenges through enhanced communication and bridging the gaps of misunderstanding, bringing a deeper level of understanding of each others desires and needs.

If you are trying to navigate through postpartum depression or anxiety, or any of these other transitional issues, you do not need to walk this journey alone.


Thank you for reaching out. Tina will be in contact within 48 hours.

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